Thursday, November 1, 2007


Our first stop was in Katzrin where we got to explore an ancient Jewish village from the times of the Mishna and Gemara.
We got to see how they used to make wine, what a 2-story home looked like, as well as the synagogue. It was really interesting to see how they used to live.
Let's say that we all walked away from Katzrin feeling really fortunate that we were born into the era of electricity and running water.

After that, we went to the Golan Wine Factory. The best part of that was that we got to taste 3 different types of Golan wine.
Some of us found that the wine "made our bodies feel kind of funny", while others took some drinks and found themselves feeling very "happy!"

Next stop was a cable car ride up to the Manara cliff.
It was pretty scary for some of us on the way up, but once we got to the top...WOW! What an amazing view! We looked out onto the Hula Valley, Mt. Hermon, and Lebanon. While we were up there, we took a moment to look at the map to see where we were.

Finally, we made our way over to the Kineret. Sailing off into the sunset, we had a blast playing darbukot, dancing, and just enjoying a beautiful night.

The next morning we were off on a hike through Nachal Gilabun.

This was quite a challenging hike for us, but we helped each other out as we made our through valleys and rivers.
We got to see some interesting trees and plants, including aravot and hadasim.
After about 2 hours, we finally made it out with some of us swearing we will never go on another hike, and others eagerly awaiting the next one.

Our last adventure was kayaking down a nachal which has lots of rapids, some water falls, and some beautiful surrounding nature.

Aside from the raft getting stuck on a rock in the middle of a fall, we had an absolute blast!
We had a real fun time in the Golan and are really looking forward to resting this shabbos! Shabbat Shalom!

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