Tuesday, October 30, 2007

"It's Real Life"

Aside from all the fun that we have been having, we have been learning some valuable lessons about real life.
Today in school, we analyzed our spending by reviewing a statement from our Kol-Bo accounts. We determined where we might be spending too much, where we can cut costs, and where we were doing ok.
Later on, we had a group meeting which gave us the opportunity to express the things that have been going well as well as the things that have been bothering us. We discussed the challenges of living with roommates and housemates and how to best deal with differences. We talked about how we can better plan our nights out and some students assumed leadership roles in these areas.
And finally, we reviewed our Golan itinerary and prepared a packing list. When we went to pack overnight bag, some of us found this to be a challenging task. We are truly beginning to understand that the real world is not an easy one.
As Jordan put it: "It's hard, but this is what you gotta do. It's real life."

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