Saturday, November 3, 2007

Capture the Flag

This Motzei Shabbos we had the opportunity to socialize with not only Israelis, but Australians as well. We got together with some of our friends from the Kibbutz and were joined by a group of Australians who are spending some time in Israel. We all met up in front of our dorm where Kenny explained to us how to play Capture the Flag.
Then we ventured out into the darkness, under a clear, starlit sky and made our way to the fields to compete. On the way, we got to shmooze with each other.
Once we got to the fields, the competition began. We had a great time playing Capture the Flag, but as Elliott said, " I don't care if I win or lose. I'm already having a good time."
We made our way back and when we returned home, we all chilled out and ate some ice cream.

We had such a nice time, that we invited everyone to join us again at our barbeque on Wednesday night!

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