Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Har Arbel

We started our tiyul off with a very special visit to the Ein Charod Art Museum. Aside from being the first museum in the State of Israel, this museum is special because it has the artwork of a very famous Israeli artist which we all know, named....Kenny Goldman. Dvora, who also works at the musuem, gave us a wonderful tour of the museum. Below is a picture of us with one of his exhibits.

We also go to see the work of other Israeli artists and even were inspired to draw our own versions of the artist's portraits.

After having a peaceful picnic lunch at Kibbutz Lavi, we went on a daring hike down the cliff of Har Arbel. It was a really challenging hike and we were very scared but we did it!!!!
After it was over, we felt really good that we did it, but boy were exhausted!!

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