Thursday, November 15, 2007

Trip to the South: Day 1

What a whirlwind of week. We had so many adventures this week as we made our way down to the South of Israel. Our first stop long the way was the Dead Sea. Some of found respite by floating in the Sea,

while others went exploring and found salt crystals.

Some of us chose to just enjoy the beautiful scenery while drinking some tea.

Next stop was Masada.
Maya showed us around the castle that once was and told us tons of interesting stories that occurred on Masada. Shaina helped to demonstrate when these stories took place by modeling a timeline skirt.

As we walked around, we did a lot of role playing which really helped us relate to the history. We did a mock workout just before we went in to see the bathhouse.
We learned about the challenges that the Jews faced during this time when they were under attack. We acted out the discussions that the Jews had at the time when they had to choose whether to conform to the Romans and give up their Jewish or practices or kill themselves instead.
We went to see the Bet Kneset and of course took the opportunity to daven Mincha there.

After taking in the breathtaking views, we hiked down the mountain.

After Masada we drove further into the desert until we reached a Bedouin Camp. It looked pretty interesting so we decided to stay and see what this was all about.
First we were explained how guests are served tea and coffee.
We got to try making the coffee as well.
Then we at dinner Bedouin style, which means no tables, chairs or utensils. That may not sound so out of the ordinary for some, but it felt pretty strange. We adapted well as soon as they brought out the schwarma!!

Later that night, we had a bonfire where we sang some songs, roasted marshmellows, and warmed up by the fire.

Finally we headed too bed, or rather to our tents and sleeping bags. Despite the rough conditions, we survived the night!
Stay tuned for Day 2 adventures.................

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