Sunday, November 4, 2007

More Student Reflections

I met some girls who come from Australia who are going to be in Israel till the same day we go home. I got a picture with one of them which was very sweet of her to let. Her name is Jessica and she treated me very nicely. I cannot stress enough how sweet she was to me. She told me she would add me as a friend on Facebook. That made me feel very happy. Those girls are special because they treated me like a normal person. She also promised me that she would take my phone number and call me when we got home and vice versa........Elliott

Since I've come to Israel, I have had to learn about how to manage money without spending on things that I don't need. It's hard because there are so many things that you want. This has taught me about real life because you can't just buy everything that you see. The way I am able to keep track of my money is by writing down how much I have and how much I spend into a transaction register. I also am careful not to buy things every day. That way I will have money left over for the things I really want. I am also learning about myself, who I am and what I am good at.......Dov

It feels good to be here away from my parents and learning how to live on your own. Here, I am learning how to wake up on my own and drop off and pick up my laundry. It feels good to live on a kibbutz because there are more people and no driving on shabbos here. I would like to come back here next year.......Yehuda

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dov, It's great that you are keeping track of your spending.
Elliot, You sound extremely happy! Shaina, It's very special to be associated with soldiers.
Yehuda, I'm proud of you.
Jordan, Keep it up!
Elan, Keep smiling!
Ephraim, I'm going to take you on a bike ride here in NY.
Mr. Morreale