Wednesday, October 24, 2007


What a wonderful day we had! After a long bus ride, we finally arrived in Yerushalayim. Maya (our tour guide) played some songs about Yerushalayim and we all sang and clapped along with the music as we entered into Yerushalayim.

We started off at the Tayelet Armon Hanatziv where we were able to see a beautiful view of Yerushalayim. Maya helped us to understand the history by using props and pictures. We also made a L'chaim in honor of our arrival to Jerusalem.

After that, we went to the Rova (Jewish Quarter) where we had some falafel and schwarma. Yum!

And then came the highlight...going to the Kotel. Before we went into the Kotel area, Maya explained to us more about how special this place was. We all wrote kvitelach (little notes of personal prayer) which we were able to put into the wall.
When we got to the kotel, we kissed it and davened mincha. It was a very special moment for all of us, but especially Shaina and Elliott for whom this was their first time.

After the Kotel, we got to go into some shops and we actually bumped into quite a number of our friends from HAFTR walking around the Old City.

We ended off with a visit to the Burnt House, where we saw a video about the destruction of the Beit Hamikdash.

All in all, we saw alot, learned a lot, and even had some fun!

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