Monday, October 22, 2007

A Day in the Life

Our day starts out with davening which we do with the Kibbutz members at 8:00 am. After davening we go to breakfast, where we help ourselves to either cereal, toast, eggs, or salad. After we clear away our dishes, we are off to work.
We are all working in various places on the Kibbutz. Ilan and Dov are working in the Pinat Chai (petting zoo), Shaina is working in the Kol-Bo (store), Elliott works in the laundry house, Ephraim works in the Dining Room, Jordan works in the Kitchen, and Yehuda works in Dishwashing.

After working from 9-12, we go to lunch and then to class. This semester we are taking Budgeting 101, Information, Personal Management, Self-Advocacy, Recreation 1, and Vocational Seminar. We also have Speech Therapy, Counseling, and Occupational Therapy, according to our mandates.

Once our coursework is over at 4:00, we finally get to take a break. Some of us watch TV, some play on the computer, and some rest. This is also the time we spend doing household chores, like laundry and cleaning. Some of us use that time to learn to ride a bike.
At 4:45 we go to daven mincha and then we have "chug". Each week we do a different activity. This week have Art with Gidi. When we walk into the art room, there are scented candles so the room smells really nice. He always starts out every session with some deep breathing.

After Chug, we go straight to dinner and after dinner, we are free. Some nights we choose to go bowling or to the movies. Last night we went to the mall. Most nights we stay in and just chill out.

We basically go to sleep at different times. But we are all learning that the later we go to sleep, the harder it is to get up in the morning!

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