Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving in Israel

Although there was no turkey dinner and no parade, we did get a taste of Thanksgiving as we were visited by our friends and family and got to spend shabbat with them.

Our weekend started with dinner at McDonalds. We all enjoyed it. Thank you Mr and Mrs. Wertman.

We then each went our separate ways, spending the weekend amongst friends and family.

Here are some of our weekend highlights:

Dov: I loved being with the babies that I spent time with in Chashmonaim. They were so cute."
Elliott: "Machane Yehuda and Ben Yehuda!"
Ephraim: "Davening in that old shul and staying in the hotel."
Ilan: "My brother-in-law Aryeh. I liked his office."
Jordan: "I loved getting to see my friends from HAFTR. That was great."
Shaina: "Going to the mall Saturday night was fun!"
Yehuda: "I loved seeing that beautiful house in Chashmonaim."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was great to see all of you in Israel! Still loving this blog...
Carol Katz