Saturday, October 27, 2007

Shabbos and Saturday Night Hike

We had another beautiful shabbos this week. Friday night we ate dinner by Dvora, along with some of Dvora's children and their friends. We were entertained by good food, good conversation, and some cool army stories. Shaina got to hang out with some of the girls from the Kibbutz, while the guys hung out with the Kibbutz guys. After dinner, we went home and some of us played a game of Monopoly while the others went to sleep. Shabbos lunch we ate with the Kibbutz in the main dining room. After an afternoon walk, in some great weather, we came home and rested. We enjoyed another Aruchat Arba/Shalosh Seudas at Kenny's and then set home to get ready for our evening activities.

Armed with flashlights, water, and bug spray, we set out for our first Night Hike. Hiking by the light of a full moon, we found our way to the Kibbutz's fish ponds, where we learned how oxygen is provided for all the fish in the fish ponds.
We then hiked a little further where we were greeted by Shaul, who delivered our Dominoes. What a treat!
We relaxed a bit and then made our way back home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so jealous. I wish I could spend time with you guys.