Saturday, October 20, 2007

Our First Shabbat

We enjoyed a beautiful Shabbat filled with good food, good times, and lots of rest! Friday night dinner was enjoyed by all 25 of us, including Dr. Raskin and her family, Kenny and his family, and Dvora and her family. After dinner, everyone went back home and pretty soon after that conked out.

Shabbat morning, after shul, we were able to partipate in a once a year opportunity here at Kibbutz Shluchot.... a hot kiddush. Thanks to a wedding celebration of a kibbutz member, we all got to enjoy some kugel, cakes, and cookies and Elliott got to shmooze with some of the kibbutz kids.

After the kiddush, we had a parsha shiur given by a kibbutznik. We had lunch, and then we took a walk to the pinat chai (petting zoo) which was enjoyed by all. While most of the students were entertained by playing with the animals, others found interest in learning which countries the animals came from (who can guess which student that was??)

After a 3 hour rest, we went over to Kenny's home for Seudat Shlishit, where Jordan entertained us with a dvar torah.

We are now showering, chilling, and getting ready for a barbeque where we will make Pitot, eat hot dogs, and hang out with some of the teenagers who live on the Kibbutz.

Shavua Tov!

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