Sunday, October 28, 2007

Fruit Picking in the Pardes

After a productive day at work (Jordan cut the vegetables for the salad all by himself and Shaina and Yehuda made the matzoh balls for dinner) and a meaningful day at school, we were off to the Pardes (orchards) for some fruit picking.

We had a great time picking pamellas and clementines but had an even better time tasting them!

After our fruit picking, we continued on and found the most spectacular view which we had to climb a bit to get to.

While some of us were eager to climb up, others needed a little more pushing.

Once we got there, we were all struck by the beauty.

Ma rabu maasecha Hashem?! How great are the works of Hashem?!

We davened Mincha up there and then hiked back home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey guys...
you look terrific! sounds like you're having an amazing time!
i'm thinking of you, and am proud of the wonderful young men and women you have become!
stay sweet! stay safe!
lisa korman