Thursday, October 18, 2007

First Day Adventures

We started our tour with a visit to a baby cow that was 10 minutes old. Ephraim helped the baby calf to drink her milk while the rest of us fed the cows hay.

After that, we went to the children's petting zoo. We saw many animals and a very mean snake. We made sure NOT to pet that snake! We also got to see a baby chick being born.

The carrot factory was our next stop. "It looked like they had more carrots than Costco sells in a year!!" said Dov. "At the end of the tour, we each got a carrot to eat. They tasted even sweeter than from the store because they were so fresh!"

Later on, we got to see a Husky who was really soft and friendly, and most importantly put a smile on Ilan's face.
The day got even brighter when we finally got to see Dr. Raskin. And that put a great big smile on everybody's face.

We proudly showed her our dorms, which were of course so neat (thanks to a last minute clean-up with Kenny). Then we got to schmooze a little bit and catch her up on what's been happening here.

Our day concluded with a Seuda commemorating the Shloshim of Ephraim's "zeidy", Stuart Rattner. Jordan shared a dvar torah and some beautiful words about Mr. Rattner, who he knew for a very long time. Jordan also spoke about how much Mr. Rattner loved Ephraim and his friends and how happy he must have been that we were here in Israel at this time. We are sure that he is looking down at us, smiling with us as we are enjoying our experiences in Israel.

Shabbat Shalom!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this blog! Thanks for sharing your adventures and photos.
Carol Katz